Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7

Mom would have been 66 today. I am teary as I look out the window of the house I grew up in to see speckled light through newly greened trees.

Who woulda thunk I'd be back here dealing with brain surgery #4. Like Heather said, "Gee, when do we get our brain tumors?"

Positive thoughts -- Dad is so happy this morning. This man is invincible. Before Linda went to work, Dad asked us about details of Sunday. "Now when did I have that seizure?" He remembers going in to Elyria hospital Sunday morning and then waking up in Cleveland Clinic Monday morning. "Damn, I was tied down to a bed with a big tube in my mouth! I thought, 'What the hell are they doing to me?'" Looking back we could not help but laugh. They had to restrain Dad because he was trying to rip out his ventilator, which they inserted before the helicopter life-flight to Cleveland. The poor guy!

After Linda left for work, Dad started listing all the things that he had to do ... stain the deck, mow grass, paint the house. Oh, and spray for woodpeckers. Yes, you read that correctly. It's Bill against nature in these parts as bees and woodpeckers are eating away at some of his cedar siding. "Dad, this is a chance for you to think about what really makes you happy and only do those things. Do you want to waste your time spraying for woodpeckers?" Hire people to mow, spray, paint, etc. Dad got quiet but he gets it. He's worked his tail off since age 10 when he repaired small appliances for his Dad's business. When I was in high school and college he often had two or three jobs -- repaired corn dryers for farmers until 10 p.m., drove three hours home then got up for his mid-management job in the telecommunications industry. (Paid for my college, studying in Europe, etc.)

I'm not fooling myself. The man will not ever stop working. But maybe rather than spray for woodpeckers he could do something enjoyable like fix up that 1966 Mustang in his garage.

Right, Mom? Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful, sunny day here in Madison. I am thinking of your mom today, and you and your dad and Heather and Linda and everyone else. The kids are so excited about going to grandpa's house. They have the spirit of your mom in them. It's wonderful to see. We can't wait to see you. I will help your dad spray for woodpeckers.
