Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tribute from the girls

We're back in Madison.

I'm still in disbelief that my dad is gone. Just trying to absorb it all so I can share my thoughts. In the meantime, here are some other tributes for Grandpa Bill:

From Anna, age 9

My grandpa was the best grandpa ever. He taught me how to ride my tricycle, my bike, and my scooter. He was really funny and thought everything I did was great. When he was teaching me to ride my bike down a hill, I fell down and got a bloody lip. The next day, my grandpa fell and got hurt too! He was happy for what I did and was supportive. He was always willing to help and to play. He could fix a lot of things, like my bike and my bitty baby high chair. He was a really great grandpa and I’ll always remember him.

From Mary Jane, age 6

Grandpa was really good. He let us do a lot of things. But it still feels like he’s with me. He’s always going to be the best grandpa on earth. Whenever I was afraid he always helped. He taught me a lot of things. He taught me bike riding. I got to ride on his motorcycle! I like to go out on the boat with Grandpa. He was awesome.


  1. So glad you captured that. One day, you will look at those with such pride. Talk about your Dad every single day to them. I do that with my kids. Every day we talk about "Ma" and my two year old still mentions her like she is here with us. And really she is still here with us. In a way.

  2. such precious can't get better than 'he was awesome'!
