Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back in Ohio

After an uneventful 8-hour drive, we made it to Henrietta Township late this afternoon. Things look unchanged here on Becker Road. Dad's yard is impeccable, the woods has settled in to fall mode, the cars and motorcycles and scooters and truck are tucked away in the barn.

I thought it might be an emotional reunion for me. The last time I saw Bill was when I escorted him to his seat on a small plane taking off from Madison, back in August. I had to get special access to accompany him all the way to his seat, and I so wanted to fly with him! I remember feeling like a parent sending her child away. The tears that day were heavy.

But Dad opened his front door with the biggest smile plastered on his face, and that just put me at ease. "Oh, here they are! Lisa!" The guy was elated to see us and gave me the first of many bear hugs dispensed throughout the evening, accompanied by, "It's just so great to have you here."

Dad's speech and comprehension are surprisingly good. I was prepared for stilted conversation, but Bill had no problem communicating. Missed a few words here and there, but what the hell! I probably did, too. I'd say his appearance is a bit disconcerting. Steroids and maybe some more water weight gain have puffed up his face again to proportions we saw during the summer at its peak. He's like a chipmunk with full cheeks. So hope we can figure out how to get the swelling down.

Otherwise, Bill seemed content, cheerful, healthy. His happiest moment was giving Linda her pair of diamond earrings to match the ones he gave to me and Heather. "Well, now I have three happy women." I think those were Linda's Xmas gift. But he just couldn't wait. Dad's always been about pleasing the ladies! And a perfect Bill moment was when he yelled at Scott for sitting an empty beer bottle on the kitchen shelf: "Whoever put this here, you need to know they go out in the recycling, not on the counter!" It's comforting to know some things never change.

Of course I can't go on without mentioning the joy in seeing my sister and Chuck, and the cousins reunited. Charlotte followed around Anna and MJ like a puppy, and they absolutely adore her every move. Those three were inseparable. And Linda looks great. She's a strong and wonderful woman.

It's only be a few hours with Bill so far. Hopefully much more to report in the coming days.


  1. So glad you made it safe and sound. Can't wait to hear more about your time with your Dad and the rest of your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Proves you really can go back home! So glad to hear it's been comforting so far, keep us posted and happy T-day!

  3. Sounds wonderful and I cannot wait for more stories!
