Friday, September 25, 2009

Still chugging along

Another update from Linda:

We heard from the Bill's doctor's nurse tonight (Sept. 22), and Bill's lab work looks good. He has felt terrible for 5 days -- dizzy, double vision, weak, discouraged and grouchy...couldn't talk right and trouble understanding. Was it medicine, was it the decrease in Decadron? We don't know but the good news is Bill feels much better today. Nurse Mary said that is the way it is. There are ups and downs and hopefully this up will last.

Despite feeling like a truck ran over him, Bill wanted to get out, and we did. We rode the Cuyahoga Valley Railroad and had a lovely early fall day going to Peninsula for an afternoon. Bill rested under a tree and watched the river and I walked to some shops. Some photos of our day are below.

Did I tell you I work with great people at the JVS? They are the best co-workers, bosses and friends. When Bill had all his pills mixed up, I asked to leave and ran home mid morning from our busy clinic and straightened out the confusion and called our wonderful neighbors Pat and Bob Fraunfelder to make house calls on Bill. It all worked out fine. We are truly blessed and grateful for all the help and understanding.


  1. congratulations on the good news! Keep on chugging. Love, Kate

  2. I have been checking often for an update! Glad he is feeling better. ;-)
